It's February 14! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
It was January 14, 2011 when I created Pinay In Texas Cooking Corner. It is exactly one month old today. I consider today a very special day and I can’t let it pass without saying thanks to all my blog followers and loyal readers. I'm thinking of you all and I want to share with you how it has been for the past 1 month.
It was January 14, 2011 when I created Pinay In Texas Cooking Corner. It is exactly one month old today. I consider today a very special day and I can’t let it pass without saying thanks to all my blog followers and loyal readers. I'm thinking of you all and I want to share with you how it has been for the past 1 month.
Since January 14 until last Friday, I've posted a total of 21 recipes. 20 people are already subscribing to my RSS feed. Pinay In Texas Cooking Corner got 104 "Likes" on Facebook so far, 25 followers on twitter and 22 followers on google connect...many of which are old friends and some are new ones from Flickr, TheBlogFrog and Networked Blogs.
This is a snapshot of the first month’s statistics by Google Analytics.
Honestly, I'm so happy about it! For a newbie like me, I didn't expect such a lot of traffic. 892 Visits, 439 Unique Visitors, 3699 Pageviews in just one month..not including the 5 days where Google Analytics wasn't running on my page because I changed my blog's template and I forgot to put the code back! :)
Honestly, I'm so happy about it! For a newbie like me, I didn't expect such a lot of traffic. 892 Visits, 439 Unique Visitors, 3699 Pageviews in just one month..not including the 5 days where Google Analytics wasn't running on my page because I changed my blog's template and I forgot to put the code back! :)
I would like to thank all of you for joining me on my new journey as a blogger. When I started this blog, all I wanted to do was to share recipes to Filipino food lovers around the world. I didn't realize how much fun it would be to be able to connect with wonderful people around the world with the same passion as mine. I'm truly happy to be meeting new friends from the blogging world. To my Flickr Contacts, BFF's(BlogFrogFriends) and to my FB's Networked Blogs fellow bloggers, thank you so much for following my blog! I hope to know you guys more!
I do hope you all enjoy visiting my blog. Please stay with me and take a moment to leave a comment – I’d love to hear from you! And for those who are not yet subscribed to Pinay In Texas Cooking Corner's RSS feed, please do so now for instant updates.
1 month gone and ready for the next month. I hope that next month will be better...I hope that my blog will last...I'm wishing for more months and years of being able to share recipes and food photographs with all of you!
Since noodles do symbolize longevity, I'll be sharing with you a noodle recipe today --- another pancit recipe that we Filipinos call PANCIT CANTON. Check out the recipe as you wish me more wonderful months and years of blogging via Pinay In Texas Cooking Corner! ;)